martes, 8 de octubre de 2019


Mc'Donalds restaurant in lleida is my favourite restauran my friends and I go often there.

The decorations are really nice. The food is delicious but is not modern. It's very simple. There's only american food, not free gluten and not healthy. The staff is very nice and their service is really excellent.

In my opinion, It's a good restaurant I recommend it unless you are vegetarian,vegan or vegan.

viernes, 14 de junio de 2019


Resultado de imagen de FOTOS DE PERFILCan you give me some advice? I'm going to stay with some family  friends live in Tokyo  

Resultado de imagen de dumbo fotos You'll love Balaguer it's a great city. In Balaguer people are very friendly. They enjoy meeting people who want to learn about their country and they love Catalonia 

It's important to kinow is plite in Blaguer you can visit the church of Santa Maria which was built in the 16th Century


Tiger Ball is an adventure game with twelve differents levels, It's really enjoyable the characyers are funny.

Helix Jump is a new puzzle game with sven levels but you can find the treasure quite levels.

In my opinion Tiger Ball is the most challenging game, It's also more exciting. Helix Jump is lees expensive but it isn't as enjoyable game.

In conclusion I think Tiger Ball is the best game. Helix Jump is fun to play but it's not as good as Tiger Ball   

Resultado de imagen de tiger ball                                                     Resultado de imagen de helix jump                     tiger ball                                                                                                                               helix jump


Dear Mrs Rodrigo I am writing to invite you to the year 33 gymnastics show at tyhe Sicoris Club in Lleida on sunday 17th March. this competition is very difficult. The competition starts around 8:46 a.m. and it's finishes at 13:30 p.m. There will be food and hot or cold drinks. entrance tickets are 5$. All money raised will go to the charity Caritas. Due to parking restrictions in the town centre, we are asking people not drive. We think you will enjoy this informal event, because it will be a chance to promote the competition, so we hope you can come. Please respond to me on 677532758. I look for ward to hearing from you. Best Wishes Jordi Espigares

viernes, 5 de abril de 2019

THE SPECKLED BAND CHAPTER 1: THE SCARED LADY Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes are visited by Helen Stoner. She tells them that her sister Julia died and is now scared. CHAPTER 2: A MYSTERIOUS DEATH Hellen tells them about her sister. She got married two years ago. One night before she went to Helen's room to ask if she heard a strange hiss and the sound of metal. That same night Helen heard Julia screaming. He went to his room and heard the same sounds that she told him. Julia said to her: "It was the band!" A minute or two later, Julia died. CHAPTER 3: THE FEARS OF HELEN Hellen tells Holmes more about Julia's death. She says that her stepfather is very violent, that she was once in prison. She says she recently got engaged and that her stepfather is doing some repairs and he is making her use Julia's room. And that last night he heard the same noises. CHAPTER 4: AN ANGRY VISITOR Grimesby Roylott followed his stepdaughter and wants to know what he told Holmes and Watson. Holmes went to buy the will left by Helen's mother: Roylott would control the money, but only until her daughters married. The detectives go to Helen's house. CHAPTER 5: A STRANGE ROOM Holmes and Watson visit Helen's house to investigate. They discovered that Grimesby was not doing any reform. They went to see Julia's room. There was a fake rope. There was not a bell, only a hook and the bed was attached to the floor. They went to investigate Grimesby's room. CHAPTER 6: STRANGE CLASSES Inside Grimesby's room, they found a dish on the ground and Helen told them that her stepfather pick up animals from faraway places. They also found a safe, a chair and a strange stick. Holmes gave instructions to Helen and they left before Grimesby arrived. CHAPTER 7: Holmes and Watson stay at the shelter near Roylott's house to finish the investigation. In the afternoon, Dr. Roylott returns and at night, Julia makes a sign. CHAPTER 8: Holems and Watson go to Julia's room to receive Helen's signal, but before they reach it, they are attacked in the garden by baboons. CHAPTER 9: They enter the house and we simply verify how successfully the murdered were. Click here to see the text. CHAPTER 10: The case is closed Then, Holmes and Watson feel something strange and enter the room of Dr. Roylott, who finds him dead. After seeing him with a snake on his head.