viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2017


My name is Jordi. I am 12 years old. I'm from Catalonia. I'm Catalan. I live in Termens.

There are 7 members in my family. My mum's name is Monica, my stepsfather name is Marc, my big sister name's is Ariadna, my little brother Pol, my little Damaris and my mum is pregnant. Is a boy Aleix.

I love my timetable. i love Friday because is the last day of the week. My favourite class is tutorship.

The Monday  morning get up at 7 o'clockfirst break time is at quarter past ten and finish at half past ten the second braktime is at half past twelve and finish at quarter to one.

And the high school finish at thirty-five to three.

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